Saturday, September 13, 2008


I am in hog heaven. Someone asked me once if I’d rather have ice cream or soup for life; I answered soup.

And I have found my people.

Soup and stew are what they eat here with every meal after breakfast. Lentil soup, bean stew, chicken broth soup, cilantro, cayenne, onions piled in, thick and rich, soak up the last of it with the homemade bread. And the fruits and veggies are all locally grown and bought fresh daily in the local souk (market). And they gorge on cassava melon for dessert, which is sweeter than any melon I’ve ever had store-bought in the states.

I’m going to gain 100 lbs at least. But Lynn pointed out that all we ladies had to do was wear a jallaba and it’ll hide all of the weight.

One volunteer during lunch was too full to finish off what was on her plate. Another jokingly said, “You better clean your plate. You know there are starving children in Afri...” awkward pause when he realizes where we are sitting, “…here!” So much for mother’s reliable idiom.


Unknown said...

Just found this...I will catch up soon. Also, I expect ice cream when I visit.

Lauree Frances Keith said...

Well, at least he knows where Africa is.