Sunday, September 7, 2008

Initial Impressions

(9/6/08) Everyone kept joking that today was a bit like freshman orientation, but I can honestly say that I have never been more comfortable in a complete group of strangers.

Saying goodbye to the parents and the boyfriend was unbelievably difficult this morning, so much so that I ended up hiding in the bathroom for a few minutes before making it to my plane. On past travel abroad adventures, I knew that I’d be coming home in a few months so the separation never hit me as hard as it had today. I was okay after take off and ready to get to Philly and meet everyone.

Turns out there are 58 trainees divided between business and youth development. Today consisted mostly of paperwork and general orientation (what are the goals of peace corps, why it was founded, what are your fears and expectations, etc) with tomorrow continuing on in the same vein, only more country-specific. Everyone seems of a similar mindset: kind of excited yet apprehensive about what we will be doing, even though no one really knows what their assignment will be in morocco until we pass through training. And no one seems to mind just playing everything by ear. They are just as anxious about the same stuff tat I am, which is rather comforting.

Post-orientation, about 10 of us ended up at an Irish pub for dinner and we finished the evening by toasting a painting of JFK above the bar with shots of captain (he began peace corps in 1961…jfk, not captain morgan). Some of the guys stayed to make up for the lack of liquor to be had in morocco, but I’m so bushed they’d have to carry me out after another shot. Glad I don’t have to wake up at 4 am tomorrow. Some of the guys may not make it into bed until then…

1 comment:

stained_glass said...

Ha! I found your blog. Sorry that you had as hard of a time saying goodbye as we did. I guess that means you will actually miss us...well MOST of us anyway. That's OK, because I miss you too...A LOT. Grouchie and Ricci keep looking for you. I'll argue with Grouchie every once in a while, just to make him feel loved.